People of Magic

Annemiek Hogenes
Annemiek Hogenes studied Technical Medicine, specialization Medical Imaging and Interventions, at the University of Twente. During her graduation internship at the Department of Surgery and Department of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine of the Radboudumc, she obtained special interest in local tumor ablation techniques. Her graduation research focused on Irreversible Electroporation (IRE) and she especially investigated the influence of several ablation parameter settings on the electric field distribution between IRE needles. In May 2018 she started her PhD to further conduct her research in the field of IRE. This research is in cooperation with the University of Twente. Her research also focuses on visualization of the formation of the ablation zone during radiofrequency ablation by MR temperature imaging. She is supervised by Jurgen Fütterer, Kees van Laarhoven (Department of Surgery), Martijn Stommel (Department of Surgery) and Kees Slump (University of Twente).