AI-assisted biparametric MRI surveillance of prostate cancer: feasibility study

Journal: Imaging Informatics and Artificial Intelligence
Year of publication: 2022
Page: 89-96

C. Roest, T.C. Kwee, A. SahaJ.J. Fütterer, D. Yaker, H. Huisman

Objectives To evaluate the feasibility of automatic longitudinal analysis of consecutive biparametric MRI (bpMRI) scans to detect clinically significant (cs) prostate cancer (PCa).

Methods This retrospective study included a multi-center dataset of 1513 patients who underwent bpMRI (T2 + DWI) between 2014 and 2020, of whom 73 patients underwent at least two consecutive bpMRI scans and repeat biopsies. A deep learning PCa detection model was developed to produce a heatmap of all PIRADS ≥ 2 lesions across prior and current studies. The heatmaps for each patient’s prior and current examination were used to extract differential volumetric and likelihood features reflecting explainable changes between examinations. A machine learning classifier was trained to predict from these features csPCa (ISUP > 1) at the current examination according to biopsy. A classifier trained on the current study only was developed for comparison. An extended classifier was developed to incorporate clinical parameters (PSA, PSA density, and age). The cross-validated diagnostic accuracies were compared using ROC analysis. The diagnostic performance of the best model was compared to the radiologist scores.

Results The model including prior and current study (AUC 0.81, CI: 0.69, 0.91) resulted in a higher (p = 0.04) diagnostic accuracy than the current only model (AUC 0.73, CI: 0.61, 0.84). Adding clinical variables further improved diagnostic performance (AUC 0.86, CI: 0.77, 0.93). The diagnostic performance of the surveillance AI model was significantly better (p = 0.02) than of radiologists (AUC 0.69, CI: 0.54, 0.81).

Conclusions Our proposed AI-assisted surveillance of prostate MRI can pick up explainable, diagnostically relevant changes with promising diagnostic accuracy.

Key Points

- Sequential prostate MRI scans can be automatically evaluated using a hybrid deep learning and machine learning approach.

- The diagnostic accuracy of our csPCa detection AI model improved by including clinical parameters.