Multicenter and inter-software evaluation of ablative margins after thermal ablation of colorectal liver metastases
G. Laimer, K.H.M. Verdonschot, L. Kopf, S. van der Lei, Y. Scharll, G. Hannink, S.F.M. Jenniskens, M.R. Meijerink, R. Bale & C.G. Overduin Purpose To assess the association between minimal ablative margin (MAM) and local tumor progression (LTP)...
Feasibility of a Prototype Image Reconstruction Algorithm for Motion Correction in Interventional Cone-Beam CT Scans
I.M. Spenkelink, J. Heidkamp, R.L.J. Verhoeven, S.F.M. Jenniskens, A. Fantin, P. Fischer, M.M. Rovers, J.J. Fütterer Rationale and objectives: Assess the feasibility of a prototype image reconstruction algorithm in correcting motion artifacts in...
MRI-Guided Salvage Focal Cryoablation: A 10-Year Single-Center Experience in 114 Patients with Localized Recurrent Prostate Cancer
Y. Wimper, C.G. Overduin, J.P.M. Sedelaar, J. Veltman, S.F.M. Jenniskens, J.G.R. Bomers, J.J. Fütterer Patients with localized recurrent prostate cancer (PCa) are eligible for androgen-deprivation therapy, salvage radical prostatectomy (RP) or...
Intratumoral injection therapies for locally advanced pancreatic cancer: systematic review
C.Y. Willink, S.F.M. Jenniskens, NJ.M. Klaassen, M.W.J. Stommel, J.F.W. Nijsen Introduction: Pancreatic cancer has one of the worst prognoses of all cancers. Patients with locally advanced pancreatic cancer have a 12.7-20.2 per cent chance of receiving...
Intraoperative MRI-derived volumetric ablation margins and initial correlation with local outcome after MRI-guided cryoablation of renal tumors
N.S. de Jager, T.J. van Oostenbrugge, T. Pätz, S.F.M. Jenniskens, J.J. Fütterer, J.F. Langenhuijsen, CG. Overduin Purpose: To assess volumetric ablation margins derived from intraoperative pre- and post-ablation MRI after magnetic resonance imaging...