MRI-guided prostate biopsy:which direction?

Martijn G. Schouten
Promotor J.O. Barentsz and J.J. Fütterer
Copromotor T.W.J. Scheenen and S. Misra
Institute Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Date June 19, 2017

This thesis describes some aspects of the symbiosis between imaging and robotics in magnetic resonance (MR)-guided prostate biopsy. The need for MRI targeted biopsy in the detection of prostate cancer was demonstrated in chapter 2. We identified differences between MR image-guided and transrectal ultrasound (TRUS)-guided biopsy regarding cancer locations and aggressiveness in order to get insight in the diagnostic limitations of both techniques (chapters 3 and 4). In chapter 5 we investigated the differences in apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC)-values derived from diffusion weighted imaging (DWI) in patients with either prostatitis and prostate cancer. We investigated the feasibility of an MRcompatible robotic manipulator in a phantom and patients (chapter 6 and 7). In addition we addressed the feasibility of an automatic tracking sequence, which has the potential to improve the MR-guided biopsy procedure (chapter 8).