Artificial Intelligence Superior to Radiologist at Detecting Prostate Cancer

Jasper Twilt, together with Anindo Saha and Joeran Bosma, showed promising results concerning the detection of prostate cancer by arteficial intelligence (AI). His work following the Prostate Imaging - Cancer Artificial Intelligence (PI-CAI) challenge was recently published in The Lancet Oncology. Here he showed that "an AI system was superior to radiologists (...), on average, at detecting clinically significant prostate cancer and comparable to the standard of care. Such a system shows the potential to be a supportive tool within a primary diagnostic setting, with several associated benefits for patients and radiologists. Prospective validation is needed to test clinical applicability of this system". See the link below for more information.

The Minimally Invasive Image-Guided Intervention Center (MAGIC) congratulates Jasper and his co-authors with this great achievement and wish them good fortune in future endeavors.

Artificial intelligence and radiologists in prostate cancer detection on MRI (PI-CAI): an international, paired, non-inferiority, confirmatory study - The Lancet Oncology

PhD Dissertation Defense Thomas van Steenbergen

On Wednesday, September 11 2024 at 10.30, Thomas van Steenbergen will defend his dissertation Intraoperative imaging and image-guidance in the hybrid operating room: benign bone tumors and bone metastases. Location: Radboud University Aula, Comeniuslaan 2,… Read more...