EenVandaag about ENFORCE trial: Focal Therapy as a Promising Treatment for Prostate Cancer

EenVandaag, a Dutch TV program, aired an item on focal therapy for prostate cancer on 12 February 2025. ENFORCE focal also received attention in the item. This is a multicenter study initiated by our group, in which the oncological effectiveness and quality of life impacts of this treatment, compared to radical treatments, are being studied. This research is helping to determine how focal therapy could offer a targeted, less invasive alternative to traditional treatments. Read more: Terugkijktip: EenVandaag over focale therapie bij prostaatkanker - Onderzoek naar effectiviteit veelbelovende therapie in beeld gebracht - Radboudumc

PhD Dissertation Defense Thomas van Steenbergen

On Wednesday, September 11 2024 at 10.30, Thomas van Steenbergen will defend his dissertation Intraoperative imaging and image-guidance in the hybrid operating room: benign bone tumors and bone metastases. Location: Radboud University Aula, Comeniuslaan 2,… Read more...