Feasibility of a Prototype Image Reconstruction Algorithm for Motion Correction in Interventional Cone-Beam CT Scans

Journal: Acad Radiol.
Year of publication: 2024
Page: 31(6):2434-2443

I.M. Spenkelink, J. Heidkamp, R.L.J. Verhoeven, S.F.M. Jenniskens, A. Fantin, P. Fischer, M.M. Rovers, J.J. Fütterer

Rationale and objectives: Assess the feasibility of a prototype image reconstruction algorithm in correcting motion artifacts in cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) scans of interventional instruments in the lung.

Materials and methods: First, phantom experiments were performed to assess the algorithm, using the Xsight lung phantom with custom inserts containing straight or curved catheters. During scanning, the inserts moved in a continuous sinusoidal or breath-hold mimicking pattern, with varying amplitudes and frequencies. Subsequently, the algorithm was applied to CBCT data from navigation bronchoscopy procedures. The algorithm's performance was assessed quantitatively via edge-sharpness measurements and qualitatively by three specialists.

Results: In the phantom study, the algorithm improved sharpness in 13 out of 14 continuous sinusoidal motion and five out of seven breath-hold mimicking scans, with more significant effects at larger motion amplitudes. Analysis of 27 clinical scans showed that the motion corrected reconstructions had significantly sharper edges than standard reconstructions (2.81 (2.24-6.46) vs. 2.80 (2.16-4.75), p = 0.003). These results were consistent with the qualitative assessment, which showed higher scores in the sharpness of bronchoscope-tissue interface and catheter-tissue interface in the motion-corrected reconstructions. However, the tumor demarcation ratings were inconsistent between raters, and the overall image quality of the new reconstructions was rated lower.

Conclusion: Our findings suggest that applying the new prototype algorithm for motion correction in CBCT images is feasible. The algorithm improved the sharpness of medical instruments in CBCT scans obtained during diagnostic navigation bronchoscopy procedures, which was demonstrated both quantitatively and qualitatively.

Keywords: Cone-beam computed tomography; Image guidance; Image reconstruction algorithm; Motion correction; Navigation bronchoscopy.