Multiparametric Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Prostate Cancer Management: Current Status and Future Perspectives

Journal: Investigative Radiology
Year of publication: 2015
Page: 50(9):594-600

T.W.J. Scheenen, A.B. Rosenkrantz, M.A. Haider & J.J. Fütterer

This article reviews recent and ongoing developments in multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging (mpMRI) of the prostate. Advances in T2-weighted imaging, diffusion-weighted imaging, dynamic contrast-enhanced imaging, and spectroscopic imaging are described along with advances related to radiofrequency coils and imaging at high magnetic field. As mpMRI is increasingly becoming routine in various aspects of clinical prostate cancer management, its role in detection, localization, staging, assessment of aggressiveness, and active surveillance is discussed. Combined with growing clinical adoption of the techniques already at hand, continual optimization of acquisition techniques and image interpretation schemes will further strengthen the role of mpMRI as an important diagnostic test in prostate cancer management.