Reconstruction of nonlinear ultrasound field of an annular therapeutic array from acoustic holograms of its individual elements

Journal: Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics
Year of publication: 2017
Page: 32(1):020013

V.A. Khokhlova, P. Yuldashev, P. Rosnitskiy, O. Sapozhnikov, E. Dumont, M. Hoogenboom, M. den Brok, J.J. Fütterer & G. Adema

Acoustic holography method has been shown to provide accurate reconstruction of 3D ultrasound fields generated by various medical transducers including multi-element arrays as well as to set a boundary condition for nonlinear field modeling at high pressure levels. Here an approach of measuring holograms of individual array elements for modeling of an entire array field is proposed and tested for a 3 MHz 16-element annular array (48 mm diameter and 35 mm radius of curvature). The array is a part of a high intensity focused ultrasound system with magnetic resonance guidance used for developing thermal and mechanical methods of tissue ablation in mouse tumors. The holograms measured separately for each array element were combined together to obtain a boundary condition for the array with all operating elements. Modeling results were compared to low-amplitude beam scans and good agreement was demonstrated. Then, nonlinear field simulations were performed at increasing power outputs based on the 3D Westervelt equation. It was shown that the transducer is capable to produce focal waveforms with 140 MPa shock amplitude at 110 W acoustic power and thus is well suited for evaluating shock-based ablation therapies in small animals.