Unilateral intracarotid injection of holmium microspheres to induce bilateral MRI-validated cerebral embolization in rats

Journal: Journal of Neuroscience Methods
Year of publication: 2009
Page: 176(2):152-6

F. de Lange, J.M. Dieleman, E.L.A. Blezer, R.J.F. Houston, C.J. Kalkman & J.F.W. Nijsen

BACKGROUND: Cerebral embolization models have been hindered by the fact that delivery is predominantly one-sided and cannot be quantified easily. We have developed a model for bilateral cerebral micro-embolization. By using holmium microspheres, it is possible to quantify intracerebral delivery using MRI.

METHODS: To validate the quantification of holmium microspheres a phantom study was performed in which concentration of microspheres in solution was compared with the number of holmium-induced artifacts on MRI. After that identical microspheres were administered by unilateral injection in the carotid artery, while the opposite carotid artery was clamped. On post-injection MRI scans, intracerebral delivery and right/left distribution of the microspheres was determined.

RESULTS: In the phantom study it was shown that quantification by MRI is possible and that MRI artifacts represent single microspheres. In the rat brain, about one-third of the injected dose was consistently located on the contralateral side. The administration was reproducible regarding distribution and number of microspheres.

CONCLUSION: The use of holmium microspheres enables quantification of delivered dose as single microspheres induce artifacts on MRI. By clamping the contralateral carotid artery, one-third of the dose is diverted to the contralateral hemisphere.